Webinar - Gestão de perdas

Deteção de fugas de água
Webinar - New Developments Overview and Outlook
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1. Our Stratagy for Water Loss Reduction 2. Our Products and their application 3. Our new Developments for 2020

Webinar - BIDI Noise Loggers
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This Webinar offers an in depth look into the FAST BIDI Noise Logger product family.
1.  Noise logging priciple explained
2.  Initial Logger set-up and important settings explained
3.  Setting up a correlation
4.  Connecting to the FAST-Watercloud

Lokal 200 Lokal 400
Webinar - Correlators Lokal 200PC and Lokal 400
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In this webinar we will take a closer look at our Lokal 400 and our Lokal 200 correlators as well as the new MB 6 Pro.
1. Correlation principle explanined 2. Materials and sound propagation 3. Challanges in the field 4. Deep dive into the features of the new MB 6 Pro 5. Live demo of the Lokal 200PC 6. Live demo of the Lokal 400

Webinar - Listening Devices Aqua M Series and PipeMic
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1. The spread of sound waves explained.
2. Aqua M Series explained.
3. Aqua M 300 n depth look at ifunctionalities and settings.
4. PipeMic Flex capability demo
5. Aqua M 300 with Listening Stick live demo.
6. Aqua M 300 with Ground Microphone live demo

ZM Ultra Mobile
Webinar - ZM Ultra Mobile
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Get a in depth and hands on look at our ZM Ultra Mobile a very powerful ultrasonic flow metering device.
1. Fundamentals of flow measurement.
2. User Interface explained live and in detail.
3. Live field demo.

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